Parece ser que todos los esfuerzos y presiones de los fans por hacer posible la llegada de dos de los personajes favoritos de todos han dado sus frutos, pues ahora ya es posible jugar como Bowsette y Boosette en Soulcalibur VI.
Si eres fan de este par, DualShockers ha sacado una gu赤a para recrear estos personajes y poder combatir con ellas en l赤nea. Aunque no existe la opci車n de a?adir las i車nicas coronas, esta gu赤a viene muy detallada para poder acercarse los m芍s posible a los personajes.
Weapon / Style:
Azwel Imprecation & Exaltation Magic Pack Evil Body:
Hidden Valley Clan / Female Short / Thin All body options to -20, with Chest at 20 and Muscle Definition at 1 Female Face 2 Purity Knit (Loose) Eyebrows 8 Serious Type All options set to 0 Equipment:
Head: None Face: Cyclone Earrings Torso (Inner): None Torso (Middle): Parlor Blouse* or Country Tunic Torso (Outer): None Lower Body: Rocco Skirt Hips: None Neck/Back: Gothic Jewelry Arms: Dancer*s Bracelets Shoulders: None Legwear (Inner): Seong Sarong Legwear (Outer): Stilettos Extras: None Colors/Patterns/Stickers:
Skin Tone: 31, 0, 9 Hair Tone: 31, 0, 9 Face Paint: Face Paint 2 or None Option 1: Default Option 2: Default Option 3: 8, 53, 9 Eye Color: Option 1: 23, 57, 9 Option 2: 31, 0, 9 All Equipment: 31, 0, 9 Face Equipment: 14, 54, 9 Torso Middle Layer: Add accents of 14, 54, 9 Lower Body Equipment: Keep at 31, 0, 9 Neck/Back Equipment: Keep at 31, 0, 9 Arm Equipment: Keep at 31, 0, 9 Inner Legwear: Keep at 31, 0, 9 Outer Legwear: Keep at 31, 0, 9 Bowsette:
Weapon / Style: Azwel Motion & Stillness Anime Pack Evil Body:
Hidden Valley Clan / Female Slightly Tall / Thin All body options to -20, with Chest at 20 and Muscle Definition at 1 Female Face 1 Purity Knit Eyebrows 8 Cool-Headed Captain All options set to 0 Equipment:
Head: None Face: None Torso (Inner): Cyclone Bikini Torso (Middle): None Torso (Outer): None Lower Body: Rococo Skirt Hips: None Neck/Back: Condemned Necklace Arms: Snake Bracelets Shoulders: Viking Shoulders Legwear (Inner): Seong Sarong Legwear (Outer): Stilettos Extra 1: Long Horns Location: Head Right/Left: 0 Up/Down: 0 Forward/Backward: -2 Width: 22 Length: 0 Thickness: 0 Rotate Vert.: 0 Rotate Horz.: 0 Angle: -18 Extra 2: Turtle Shell Location: Chest Right/Left: 0 Up/Down: 0 Forward/Backward: 4 Width: -29 Length: -33 Thickness: -50 Rotate Vert.: -6 Rotate Horz.: 0 Angle: 0 Extra 3: Allegiance Mandible Location: Hips Right/Left: 0 Up/Down: -11 Forward/Backward: -19 Width: 50 Length: 50 Thickness: 50 Rotate Vert.: -56 Rotate Horz.: 180 Angle: 0 Colors/Patterns/Stickers:
Skin Tone: Default, 29, 7, 4 Skin Equipment: Default Hair Tone All: N/A Hair Color: Option 1: 21, 9, 4 Option 2: 0, 0, 4 Eyebrow Color: 1, 7, 4 Face Paint: None Eye Color: Option 1: 19, 34, 4 Option 2: 31, 0, 9 All Equipment: 0, 0, 4 Torso Inner Layer: Keep at 0, 0, 4 Lower Body Equipment: Option 1: 5, 0, 4 Option 2: Keep at 31, 0, 9 Option 3: 5, 0, 4 Neck/Back Equipment: Option 1: Keep at 31, 0, 9 Option 2: 31, 0, 4 Arm Equipment: Option 1: 5, 0, 4 Option 2: Keep at 31, 0, 9 Option 3: 31, 0, 4 Option 4: Keep at 31, 0, 9 Shoulder Equipment: Option 1: Keep at 31, 0, 9 Option 2: 31, 0, 4 Option 3: 31, 0, 4 Inner Legwear: Keep at 31, 0, 9 Outer Legwear: Option 1: Keep at 31, 0, 9 Option 2: 5, 0, 4 Extra 1: 31, 0, 4 Extra 2: Option 1: 15, 19, 4 Option 2: 31, 0, 4 Extra 3: 17, 10, 4 Soulcalibur VI ya est芍 diponible para PC, PS4 y Xbox X