Aqu赤 tienes los logros de Assassin's Creed: Rogue
Ser Templario tiene sus retos.
Ya est芍n aqu赤 los logros de Assassin's Creed: Rogue en su versi車n para Xbox 360. El juego llegar芍 en noviembre a la consola de Microsoft y a Playstation 3, sin versi車n para PC por el momento, y se expondr芍 por primera vez la trayectoria de un Templario, quienes hasta ahora han representado el rol de antagonistas en la serie de Ubisoft. Eso s赤, lee los siguientes logros con cuidado, pues algunos pueden considerarse destripes argumentales sobre las misiones de la trama principal, los personajes y el contexto.
Logros de Assassin's Creed: Rogue (en ingl谷s)
- Halcyon days 每 Complete sequence 1
- The end of youth 每 Complete sequence 2
- Making new friends 每 Complete sequence 3
- Picking teams 每 Complete sequence 4
- Complete sequence 4 每 Complete sequence 5
- Brotherhood broken 每 Complete sequence 6
- No page unturned 每 Complete the final glitched memory
- Templar then; Templar now 每 Complete the game
- Did I do that? 每 Complete Present 1
- He*s not dead, is he? 每 Complete Present 2
- A worthy cause 每 Complete Present 3
- Sending a message 每 Complete Present 4
- Achieve full synchronization 每 Achieve 100% synchronization in all main missions
- Capture all Gang HQs 每 Capture All Gang HQs
- Stalker killer 每 Counter-Kill 30 Stalkers
- Property Tycoon 每 Complete all renovations
- Dedicated Employee 每 Complete 35 Abstergo Challenges
- Phantom Queen 每 Fully Upgrade the Morrigan
- Camper 每 Loot 20 supply camps
- What*s yours is mine 每 Loot 20 ship convoys
- Do not want 每 Counter 20 smoke bombs successfully using a gas mask
- Repairman 每 Repair all computers in Abstergo Entertainment
- Cartographer 每 Visit every location in the game
- Ancient Hero 每 Get the Native Armour
- Knight of Yore 每 Get the Templar Armour
- Globe Trotter 每 Complete 17 story missions in the Naval Campaign
- Memory collector 每 Collect all Animus fragments
- Owned 每 Complete every activity in a single location
- For the Empire! 每 Capture all Forts
- I*ll take that 每 Capture all settlements
- Master of the North Atlantic 每 All legendary Battles Completed
- Smashing 每 Destroy 100 Ice Bergs
- Ice Breaker 每 Break through 500 meters of Ice Sheets
- Freedom Fighter 每 Free 300 British PoW*s
- Unicorn Slayer 每 Harpoon a Narwhal
- Defence First 每 Survive a Reverse-Boarding
- Denied 每 Counter 15 air surprise attacks
- King of the Hill 每 Complete all Native hills and Ice Caves
- Ninja 每 Complete an Outpost without getting detected
- Instant Vikings 每 Hit 5 enemies with the berserk grenade (at the same time)
- Nap Time 每 Put 5 enemies to sleep with the sleep grenade (at the same time)
- This war of mine 每 Complete all Assassin interceptions
- Hunt the hunted 每 Sink 10 ships in North Atlantic without dying while only the HUNTED cheat is active
- I ENDURE 每 Sink 10 ships in North Atlantic without dying while only the ENDURANCE cheat is active
- Supplier 每 Take over 10 large supply camps while only the VETERANS cheat is active
- Killing machine 每 Kill 30 guards without dying while only the ENDURANCE cheat is activate
- Acci車n
- Aventura
Assassin's Creed: Rogue, desarrollado por Ubisoft Sofia y distribuido por Ubisoft para PC, PlayStation 3 y Xbox 360, es una nueva entrega de la saga de aventura y acci車n Assassin's Cred exclusivo de la generaci車n anterior y que acompa?ar芍 a Unity en la next-gen. Est芍 ambientado en la Am谷rica de 1751, en la costa oeste y el norte atl芍ntico, adem芍s de incorporar batallas navales mejoradas respecto a Black Flag.